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Timo's Tweets

Timo made his precense felt online as well, with his very own Twitter account: @timotweets! This page is a timeline of his tweets, from April 2009, to April 2010. If you want to follow the timeline, start on the bottom of the page.

pixelvixen: @timotweets enjoying some chicken
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets I love you Puppy... <3
sarakwan: @timotweets Nice shirt! Can't wait to see you later :)
Balzaak: @timotweets that is an awesome shirt!
shirrrr: @timotweets whowwwwww hulkmannnnn... I,m in love.. :)
shirrrr: @timotweets whowwwwww hulkmannnnn...
pixelvixen: @timotweets Looking very sharp there! Can't wait to see you :)
timotweets: Slept through the night for the first time since the surgery. Slowly getting better. Like my shirt? :)
meeshiek: @timotweets has been in a lot of pain.. poor pup
shirrrr: @timotweets ahhhh.. Sweety... Poor dog but funny
timotweets: While everyone else was getting an iPad, I got myself an iPaw.
sarakwan: @timotweets Awww... :( You'll get better soon, hang in there!
shirrrr: @timotweets ohhhh... Sweety..
timotweets: Hurting... :(
jillianofdoom: @timotweets - so glad your surgery went well! Rest up - you'll be back on your feet and running your Dad ragged soon enough!
meeshiek: @timotweets surgery went well but they drained another 3 liters.... :(
meeshiek: @timotweets is at the hospital... Get better sweetheart. More info for everyone later
meeshiek: @timotweets surgery is tomorrow :( pray for him...
timotweets: Ok one more pic of me, because I'm so cute :)
timotweets: Sitting on the dock of the bay... Watching the tide roll away...
timotweets: I'm being spoiled at Tagged today... got myself this delicious (low-fat!) bone! ~
sarakwan: @timotweets Aww... I'm glad you're resting, and I hope they'll help you go back to feeling like your old self again!
timotweets: i fell asleep with my tongue out.. weird.. and very very dry.. yuck
shirrrr: @timotweets have à good night sleep you strong and lovely big dog.. Love from shadow..
shirrrr: @timotweets hope so... Big hug from
timotweets: Me, finally able to sleep after a rough night without any... feeling much better now! :)
meeshiek: @timotweets i love you
timotweets: Home now... Zzzzz... Breathing normal again, now hopefully they can fix me once and for all on Thursday (surgery), cause this sucks!
pixelvixen: @timotweets please feel better soon :( we love you!
jillianofdoom: @timotweets get well soon
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets <3
timotweets: Sometimes in the morning I like to sit on the steps and take in the fresh air
sarakwan: @timotweets Aw, have you finally figured out you can EAT it? ;)
timotweets: Hmmm... New toy!!
shirrrr: @timotweets Hope so.... a big hug from shadow
timotweets: @shirrrr I'm doing pretty good, thanks for asking! :) Have to wait 2 more weeks to see if this diet is making me better... fingers crossed!
shirrrr: @timotweets ahhhh sweetie... Hoe gaat het met timo??
timotweets: Taking a little coffee break out on the roof @tagged... I prefer staying in the shade... *yawn*
pixelvixen: @timotweets drugs are bad mmmmkay???
timotweets: I've been clean (off the steroids) for 3 full days now... and I finally seem to do a little better. 3 words kids: Just Say No!
kyorami: @timotweets Happy birthday! :D
kramretak: Happy Birthday @timotweets!!!
sarakwan: @timotweets OWN that tree, Timo. It is YOUR tree!
timotweets: A Xmas tree on the sidewalk... mid-March... Really!? *lifting rear paw*
meeshiek: @timotweets results are in! it's not cancer! no abnormal cells this time! YAY!
meeshiek: @timotweets is home.. he's super drowsy. He couldn't even go up the stairs. poor fella..
meeshiek: @timotweets gets a lot of attention at Toyota Marin
timotweets: Getting a manicure today!
timotweets: In the passenger seat, sorta :)
timotweets: @~ImitationCrab @ultramegaDuckie thank you for the cookies! i'm saving the football one for tomorrow ;)
timotweets: @~ultraMegaDuckie @imitationcrab what kinda treats????
pixelvixen: @timotweets you look so serious :) hope you're seriously recovering eh?
timotweets: Awww, THANK YOU auntie @pixelvixen and uncle @sairusu!!! I'm feeling better already, they smell great! :)
pixelvixen: @timotweets You be a good boy and pull through for your parents, ok? :( Your uncle and I are thinking about you.
timotweets: @sarakwan forget it, I found it ;p
timotweets: @sarakwan did I leave my chuck it with you?
timotweets: Treat... Too.. Far... So lazy...
meeshiek: @timotweets was so happy to see me home early!!!
timotweets: Had lunch with dad, was really nice... But then he always make me pose... :)
timotweets: Spending the day @tagged again... most likely gonna sleep all day, since I didn't get much of that with all this storm scariness...
timotweets: Almost flooded the kitchen. Yeah, I tend to drool a lot when I panic. This thunder is definitely cause for panic! *shaking* and *drooling*
timotweets: @bvonschnauzer Yeah I was up too... that thunder just ain't cool, right?! And now I wanna go bathroom, but it won't stop raining! :(
timotweets: Mmm chicken.. It's nice when people think I'm sick
timotweets: An unexpected visit to @tagged today... I'm so excited!!
pixelvixen: @timotweets lol sorry about that ;)
timotweets: @bvonschnauzer Oh yeah and tell your parents that your name is hard to spell! :)
timotweets: @bvonschauzer How did you NOT notice that rectal thermometer?? When I see that thing I go nuts!! PS. We should meet.
timotweets: Out shopping... Not sure about those pet-snuggies...
timotweets: @bvonschnauzer hey pup! See ya in awhile after you're adjusted. Woof!
timotweets: Sitting out in the backyard.. Enjoying the fresh air.. Or something
timotweets: Being lazy with mom and dad.. I loove laying around
sarakwan: @timotweets Don't eat it too quickly! :)
timotweets: Best bone EVER!! Thank you aunt @sarakwan and uncle Aaron!! Should take me all year to eat it!!
timotweets: The people working @tagged are awesome! Alex brought a pig's ear to work for me!
timotweets: Man, this working business is tiring...
timotweets: Spending the week @tagged, yay! Having lunch now with @kramretak and Alex
timotweets: @sarakwan why wouldn't he?? I've been good all year! Except the chicken incident...
sarakwan: @timotweets I hope Santa gives you what you want!
timotweets: Santa and I are best buds.
timotweets: I found out Santa Paws isn't real. Kinda knew before cause he always smelled different
timotweets: Hung out with Aunt Bekki and Uncle Cyrus tonight. I love my relatives.
pixelvixen: @timotweets you were soooo cute!
timotweets: I hate it when smaller dogs get all agressive during my morning walk... It's like, really, who were you gonna bring!?Psshh...
timotweets: These eardrops are very uncool! Sure, they'll help the inflammation go away, but 7 days of these drops is torture! :(
sarakwan: @timotweets Oh no! :( I hope you feel better!
timotweets: My ear is swollen and has an infection :(
timotweets: Thunder freaks me out... A lot
meeshiek: @timotweets you don't seem very excited
timotweets: I'm excited, I'm spending the day with @kramretak @tagged!
meeshiek: @timotweets I made your pic from @sarakwan daddy's wallpaper
meeshiek: @timotweets is my little superhero..and Aaron & the San Bruno Dog Park folks are made of awesomeness
timotweets: Had a fun time at the dog park! Now I'm sleeping with Uncle Aaron on the floor... Zzz.....
meeshiek: @timotweets as Alfred (from Batman)
sarakwan: @timotweets I didn't know you liked to have monkeys on your back! And here we were trying to put treats and toys and other stuff on there!
Balzaak: @timotweets when did you get the monkey?
timotweets: Is that me there on this Dutch news site? Check it out: , right column, halfway down the page...
timotweets: This ringing of doorbells in Monsters vs Aliens is stressing me out!!
timotweets: Went to the dog park earlier. What a bust. Boring dogs...
sarakwan: @timotweets How cute! Are you gonna go trick-or-treating with it? :)
timotweets: My new Halloween toy!
timotweets: Taking an evening stroll in Stockton... It is SO quiet here! Having a great little vacation though, I never been here before
timotweets: I did a bit of the agility course! Yay me!
timotweets: Heading to Barklyville dog park this morning. Too lazy to get up though
timotweets: @pixelvixen *licks face* :(
timotweets: did my best lion impression today by the ballpark. almost pounced on a pigeon..
meeshiek: @timotweets this is for you. Get it...
sarakwan: @timotweets Did you leave him your number?
nobledogs: @timotweets hey, that's awesome! lol! :)
timotweets: Waiting for a txt from my chocolate lab friend
kyorami: @timotweets Aww, I agree completely!
timotweets: Thunder... is... Scary
timotweets: I love chocolate labs!
timotweets: I thought he'd be bigger in person...
timotweets: Yay! We're going to see master Yoda!
timotweets: These pills make me soooo hungry.
timotweets: Going to Auntie Bekki and Uncle Cyrus' home to hang out and help them clean. Maybe they'll hook me up with some food.
meeshiek: @timotweets I hope that you can go with me sometime!
timotweets: Had a great time with Uncle Aaron and @sarakwan at the dog park today! I made a lot of friends!
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets it was nice seeing you today. :D
timotweets: Apparently I have allergies. Oh well. And didn't even feel the shot!
timotweets: @pixelvixen mommy & daddy have been cleaning all day as well, but it's not boring, it's very interesting! :)
pixelvixen: @timotweets It's nice and cool if you want to visit. But we're cleaning allllllll day so you might be bored. :)
timotweets: Man, it's hot! Found myself a nice piece of shade though, in the back yard...
pixelvixen: @timotweets Sorry Timo, I promise I'll find you a friend eventually. :)
timotweets: @pixelvixen Awwww :(
timotweets: @sarakwan I'm exhausted too! Can barely keep my eyes open and it's only 9!
sarakwan: @timotweets Oh no, you haven't figured it out yet? :(
timotweets: Stupid puzzle ball
timotweets: Made a friend at Lake Merced. Ran around with him while dad held on to the long leash
timotweets: @meeshiek don't worry mom I'm just being my usual lazy self :)
pixelvixen: @timotweets is here to keep us sick people company:)
meeshiek: @timotweets watch your carbs...
timotweets: I like Noah's doggy bagels! Mmmm
timotweets: Had a lot of fun this weekend! Here are some pics...
timotweets: Took a bath. Being pampered again
timotweets: Morning walk at Lake Merced, woohoo!
timotweets: Ugh mom woke me up early. Crawled into Auntie's bed.
timotweets: I wish it was next week, this diet they've put me on, I hate it! Oh well I guess I needed to loose a few pounds anyway...
meeshiek: @timotweets appointment ended up being short. He's doing fine.. Just a bland diet for a week and pills
timotweets: Went to the vet and she said I should be ok, tho I do need pills. Now waiting for mommy to get home...
timotweets: I'm sorry auntie @pixelvixen :(
pixelvixen: @timotweets BAD DOG. You are making your mom so worried.
timotweets: After I accidentally ate mommy's chicken (incl bones) the other day, I had bad cramps last night around 4am. Not cool :(
meeshiek: @timotweets is a bad boy... Ate some chicken bones when I wasn't looking :( he will be watched carefully the next 3 days
timotweets: i am so exhausted still from yesterday. i need another 10 hour nap
sarakwan: @timotweets The kids missed you today! They were asking about you!
timotweets: Having fun at the Golden Gate bridge
kramretak: Waiting in the car with @timotweets while @meeshiek is getting Starbucks... I'm spoiled :)
timotweets: Had a case of the Mondays.. Which is weird cause everyday is like Saturday for me
timotweets: So happy when parents are home
nobledogs: @timotweets awwww! well, at least your mommy & daddy were around. ours left us home alone! we survived though. ;)
timotweets: Hiding under my favorite blanket from the fireworks
timotweets: Man, what a weekend. Never been that stressed out before, I HATE fireworks!! Last night mommy had to pick me up w/the car during my walk :(
Balzaak: @timotweets i think your stunt double walks past my office every morning
timotweets: Turned up the volume on a meat marinade commercial. I wonder if my parents got the hint
timotweets: @~ultraMegaDuckie I know hoe she feels...
timotweets: At pasta pomodoro in San rafael having lunch with the parents
timotweets: Pondering how to avoid fireworks on July 4th...
dogster: @timotweets the dog has writer's block Timo, why not write about how you're Twittering ;)
timotweets: Just came out of the shower, was scared first, but boy do I smell gooood now!
timotweets: Gimme my horse!!
timotweets: Fireworks before the 4th of July is not cool. Not cool at all.
timotweets: I should update my Dogster page, but I'm having writer's block...
timotweets: This new website launched today... looks like it's something that I might use...
nobledogs: @timotweets no, let's go a's! LOL!
timotweets: Watching the giants game. Let's go giants!! Woof woof woof woof woof
timotweets: @sarakwan Nah I'm taking it slow. Every time I chew it my jaws get tired :) Besides, we went for a run, so I'm just gonna take a nap now...
sarakwan: @timotweets You were working on that earlier! Will it be gone by the time I see you tomorrow? :)
timotweets: I love this bone, there's just no end to it!
timotweets: Happ fathers day @kramretak!! Ok I said it, now where's my treat?
nobledogs: @timotweets it seems big to us because we're small. Or that's what mommy says.
timotweets: @nobledogs I'd LOVE to have a big backyard to run around in! I guess the grass is always greener... :)
nobledogs: @timotweets you're lucky you get walks! We just run around the backyard. Never see the world. :P
timotweets: Good morning everyone! It's a nice day for a morning stroll, I'm happy :)
kyorami: @timotweets I know T_T I'll miss you! I'll be back one of these days (;
timotweets: @kyorami awww that means no more visits from you :(
timotweets: @kramretak is hiding treats around the house..I sniff them out. It's entertaining.. but then I find them all in 20 min. Hide them better.
timotweets: Weekend!! Not like it matters much to me cause everyday is like a Saturday for me.
pixelvixen: @timotweets i know how you feel!
timotweets: Having another case of the Mondays. 2nd week in a row where I just don't feel like walking down the stairs, let alone around the block! Zzz.
timotweets: Naptime after the looong walk to coit tower ...zzzzzz
meeshiek: @timotweets is waiting for @kramretak to get food
timotweets: Yay! Aunt @pixelvixen's here! This is my calmly happy face in case you can't tell.
timotweets: Thank you uncle Aaron, @kwanchino16 and @kyorami for taking me to see the sea lions at Pier 39! It was fun! Today I'm gonna catch up on Zzz.
timotweets: What a day, went to a dog park for a training session with the long leash, then had a bath at home, was scary but I did good, and now.. Zzz
timotweets: So tired... Food coma...
timotweets: That's grrrr. Cause yeah... Grrrrrr
timotweets: I hate the vet. Greer
timotweets: Oh man, @kramretak took me for a walk this morning, followed by playtime in the garage... I am EXHAUSTED!
timotweets: @kwanchino16 Thanks for walking me today! I had to go bad..
timotweets: Playing hide and seek on Timo TV... can you see me? :)
sarakwan: @timotweets I'll be there to keep you company after my window gets fixed :)
timotweets: All by myseeeeelf... sleeping under the desk, as you can see on Timo TV...
timotweets: *yawn* slept on mom and dad's bed last night... comfy
timotweets: @meeshiek congrats mom! I'll miss you while you're at work.. but i'm gonna have fun at daddy's hehehe
timotweets: rawhide rawhide rawhide.. I love rawhide... mmm
sarakwan: @timotweets I'm watching you, Timo. :)
timotweets: I'm home alone... come join me while I nap in front of the world! :)
timotweets: went down to the garage and ran around to let off some steam
sarakwan: @timotweets I'm surprised it took you this long! :)
timotweets: Finishing up the rawhide postcard my parents sent me from Europe... Yummmm...!
timotweets: Going to get a bath today! Yay! Gonna smell all nice and pretty
meeshiek: @timotweets we can't wait to see you soon!! we love you!
timotweets: There was a loud banging noise at the lake and I started acting crazy so we have to go walking in my neighborhood instead.
timotweets: I'm sooooooooo happy and excited! We're going for a long walk!!!!!!!!!!
timotweets: Ooooooh! Aunt Bekki and Uncle Cyrus brought me my parents' present from Holland!
timotweets: Why is it so hot all of a sudden?.....
sairusu: @timotweets Oh good! I'm proud of you Timo!
timotweets: I might be slowly getting over my fear of buses!
timotweets: I think I need no less than 20 hours of sleep everyday..... zzzzz.....
pixelvixen: @timotweets Sorry I've been too busy with work to visit you but we'll do something fun this weekend. :) Also: your parents' present arrived!
timotweets: I hate the wind!
timotweets: I love tummy rubs. Mmmmm.
timotweets: Someone came home and I didn't know who it was yet so I growled. I'm feeling comfortable and protective... At least INSIDE the house:)
timotweets: For the first time, I choose to take a nap with Aunt Bekki's dad while he's watching a movie. It's more interesting than aunt Bekki's work.
timotweets: Omg! I has a dentatreat!
timotweets: I got really scared again today but aunt Bekki was really patient with me and finally coaxed me somewhere where I could do my business.
meeshiek: @timotweets we love you!! and it was great seeing you... i wish you would have been into it more though... :D
timotweets: I just saw my parents on skype! I don't really understand it though and would rather continue my nap.
pixelvixen: @timotweets i wish you sleep at night as quietly as you do now ;;
timotweets: Everyone's working and I'm bored.
timotweets: I've been compulsively licking myself since last night. What's up with that?
timotweets: I just went on 12 block run with aunt Bekki and met a new doggie friend! Guess I just really hate the afternoon Outer Richmond hubbub.
timotweets: I ask aunt Bekki for a belly rub and she complied. Life is good. As long as I don't have to go outside...
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets oh no! Are you worried about your mama being gone? Or maybe using your doggy senses to detect earthquakes?
timotweets: After a lot of gentle coaxing I finally made it halfway up the block and peed. Aunt Bekki's getting very worried about me...
timotweets: I didn't make a quarter block on my afternoon walk before I freaked out for no good reason and would only go back to the vacation house.
timotweets: Really confused under the table while aunt Bekki's parents are hitting a noisy ball around.
timotweets: I was playful for a little bit but now I'm just hanging out in my new vacation home, following Auntie Bekki where ever she goes.
timotweets: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sarakwan: @timotweets We're gonna miss you, too, Timo! Have a great time with Aunt Bekki and Uncle Cyrus!
timotweets: Oops I wasn't bored. I had a tummy ache. After TWO big poops on my walk I'm so happy now!
timotweets: After happily exploring all this new space to roam in, I got bored. Maybe I'll take a nap.
timotweets: I'm gonna miss Aunt Sara and Uncle Aaron but I'm enjoying a car ride with Aunt Bekki and Uncle Cyrus!!!
meeshiek: @timotweets have fun sweetie! And don't run off!!! Be good and don't sniff strangers butts
timotweets: @starstruckpix Congratulations to Sally Cat for getting diary of the day! I was picked on Dogster once :)
timotweets: Aaron and @kwanchino16 are finally gonna do something fun with me today! Ballpark walk!
pixelvixen: @timotweets hey timo, @sairusu, my parents and I are looking forward to seeing you on sat. :)
timotweets: @meeshiek Goodie! I can't wait to open it! I miss you guys so much!
meeshiek: @timotweets we sent you something but it's at @pixelvixen's parents place. We miss you!!
timotweets: @starstruckpix I like to chase cats, but only so I can play with them.....
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets Aw, poor puppy.
timotweets: I don't like the garbage trucks......
timotweets: I feel like spending the day in my crate. It's comfy in here..... zzzzz...
timotweets: @kramretak Happy birthday, daddy!
meeshiek: @timotweets Thanks for holding it.. you're a good boy.. yes you are... so good lol
timotweets: @kwanchino16 and Aaron are finally back to spend some time with me. I've been bored.
meeshiek: @timotweets hope you can stay dry... do short walks for @kwanchino16 :)
timotweets: @kyorami and @kwanchino16 are here trying to play with me. I just wanna sleeeeep.....
timotweets: The kids outside are sooooo annoying... I wish they'd just shut up so I can sleep.
meeshiek: @timotweets we miss you!! I hope you are doing well :) <3
timotweets: @kwanchino16 just woke up from a nap and she's being boring again because she's doing HW.
timotweets: @kramretak and @meeshiek I'm glad you guys got there safely. I miss and love you both.....
meeshiek: @timotweets poke her with your nose then she'll play. Cause hw isn't that important.
timotweets: I'm really bored right now, so I'll Tweet. @kwanchino16 is here but she's busy doing her HW. Hopefully she'll play with me later!
timotweets: @meeshiek Don't worry, mommy. I'll be good! Have a fun and safe trip! Bring me back something.....
meeshiek: @timotweets be a good boy! We love you so much!!!!!
timotweets: @kwanchino16 I heard about your Onfield Photo Day... good luck with waking up early on that...
sarakwan: @timotweets I agree, Timo. It's really, really early.
timotweets: I hate it when my parents get up at 6am. No one should be up this early
travelingbean: @timotweets oh boy timo...good way to say what you really think about the dodgers. sounds like a fun night at the katers. haha!
timotweets: I'm gassy.... Oh well. Sucks for everyone else in the room.
timotweets: @kwanchino16 is here and we're gonna watch the game together! I hope I don't fall asleep, but the Kong is keeping me busy right now!
timotweets: @kwanchino16 I'm warning you that I have a habit of sleeping during games...
timotweets: Just came back from my spa. I feel so refreshed now!
sarakwan: @timotweets It's ok, Timo. I know you don't mean it :)
timotweets: @kwanchino16 and Aaron are here.. I am adjusting well to them. I should stop scaring Sara with my barks though
timotweets: Mom and Dad talked to me today about how they're going on vacation. I'm going to miss them :(
timotweets: Awesome day with my parents... I'll be sleeping good tonight
timotweets: Hiking with the parents
timotweets: Sleepy time.....
travelingbean: @timotweets that's right! i spaced on your previous life at the farm. hard to imagine you anywhere else but here, today. *puppyhugs*
timotweets: @travelingbean Yup I had chickens... back on the farm. Was good times..
travelingbean: @timotweets you have chickens?! i want chickens!! when i grow up...
timotweets: I miss my chickens :(
timotweets: Playing catch with mom in the garage. <3
timotweets: Sorry @pixelvixen.. I hope you feel better. I know exactly how it feels
timotweets: Waiting for dad again with mom.
timotweets: Went to petsmart with mom. Got a few things.
timotweets: Exhausted after a night of fun with the parents and my Aunt @pixelvixen and Uncle @sairusu. Full on treats too.. mmm..
timotweets: Waiting for Dad at BART.. Sitting in the front seat of the car...Cause I'm scared of the buses
timotweets: I think i'll hide under the desk.. it sounds like Mom is using the mixer.. and not a fan of it
timotweets: Mom came home.. so turned off the cam. Sorry folks!
timotweets: Alright then... I'll show my face... but just so you know: I'm bored! I guess I'll take a nap...
timotweets: Sigh, they put the webcam on me again... oh well I'll just take a nap in the other room. If you wanna see the empty room:
timotweets: Watched the game and fell asleep... As usual
timotweets: Mom gave me a cold wet towel and my own personal fan. Ooh and she has a kong popsicle in the freezer... she spoils me
timotweets: had a nice walk this morning... i just wish it wouldn't get hotter
jillianofdoom: @timotweets - let it be a cautionary tail. :) Mind your ACL's!
timotweets: annoying yappy dogs outside... i just wish they'd relax and chill out..
timotweets: @jillianofdoom poor guy :( i hope he gets better soon.
timotweets: Mom is making frozen peanut butter kong for me. Yum.
timotweets: hanging out with my grandparents... because it's cooler downstairs.
timotweets: How do you stay cool in this heat???
nobledogs: @timotweets ohhh, we'll have to ask our mommy about that one. ;)
timotweets: @nobledogs do you two have dogster accounts?? if you do.. we should be pup pals!!!
timotweets: staying indoors today... where it's nice and cool...
sarakwan: @timotweets I had a great time today! I hope you stay cool for the night :)
timotweets: hanging out with @kwanchino16 and Aaron. They brought treats. I like them.
timotweets: @ultramegaduckie no.. cause i'm more handsome with my fur
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets are you gonna get a haircut?
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets have lots of fun!
travelingbean: @timotweets hello timo! was so great having you in the office...thanks for the puppyhugs and put the super in my super friday.
ultraMegaDuckie: @timotweets why hello there timo the dog!