Timo's Blog

Dogster.com is a social network for dogs, where Timo maintained his blog: "Timo Time"
His account is still available (here), but you can find his blog posts right here on this page:

My first entry

March 12th 2009 9:43 pm

It's been almost a month now with my new family. I've been adjusting well, though I tend to get excited when I'm in the open areas. I just love to run around!!

Usually my mom takes me to work with her, which is great because it's better than staying home alone, plus there are other dogs there and she takes me on walks around the ballpark. At the end of the day, I see my dad and he takes me for a run. It's so tiring, but loads of fun!!!

Today I learned two new tricks, roll over and head down! I'll learn anything to just get those treats!! Mmmm...

Happy Birthday to me!!!

March 16th 2009 9:45 pm

Today is my birthday! My first birthday with my new family and it was great. My Aunt Bekki and Uncle Cyrus came by on the weekend and gave me a great present, a cookie and a bone! I can't wait to dig into that bone!

My parents bought me a delicious cake. I was a little confused though when they put it on the ground. I wasn't sure if I could actually eat it because usually I'm not allowed to! It was exciting. :)

After going to work with mom, we came home and had fun. We had a nice dinner and cake for dessert. Then, we had a good run and a little more cake. :) Dad threw the ball and we played around for awhile. Mom then taught me to beg and I got it right away. She seemed really proud cause she was jumping up and down. :D

Overall a great birthday with my new family.

Adjusting well

April 3rd 2009 9:42 pm

I've been with my current family for about three months now and I'm adjusting very well. I love them a lot and noticed that I am starting to get more protective of them. When the doorbell rings or I hear steps, I bark. Mommy playfully pushed Daddy and I got a little protective too and barked. oh well, they knew what I meant.

I really like it when they're happy because I want to join in on the fun! It's great to be with them and I'm very happy and comfortable now.

I went to training at the SPCA on Wednesday and Mollie really helped me to learn to come back when my mom calls for me. I guess I was just being stubborn. I still have a lot to learn.

Dogster Diary of the Day!!!

April 8th 2009 11:00 am

Wow! I can't believe it! Mom and I went out for a walk and we came online to see that I was the Featured Dogster Diary of the Day! How awesome!!! Thanks for all the emails from my new pup pals! You guys are awesome!! I love making new friends!

Since Mom is off, we've been going on adventures together. Sometimes we go and take walks around AT&T Ballpark, where there are some nice dogs that I can meet. Mom said she would let me off my leash, but since I still have recall problems, the time isn't now. I understand, but even if I'm on the leash I can still have some fun running with Mom!

She cleans and runs errands during the day, which is when I usually find time for my naps. But next week she has Jury Duty, so I'll be going to Dad to work. Exciting! I visited this morning and everyone there is so friendly. Plus there is a nice soft red rug on the floor that I can sleep on.

Mom has been watching Disney movies lately. She asked me to sit with her and watch 101 Dalmations. I really love that movie! The Twilight Bark is my favorite part!

Happy Easter!

April 12th 2009 10:19 pm

Happy Easter everyone!!! This weekend, my family went to Fairfield, CA to visit my grandparents I guess you can say (my Mom's mother & father). We had a lot of fun. I stayed outside while Dad washed the car. I wasn't too fond of that hose though.. I kept my distance :P

It was so hot though! I think I shed even more when I was there. We also went to visit my Mom's other relatives which was nice. Though, I had a little confrontation with another dog.. I felt bad about barking about it.. but they said it was okay. It wasn't my fault.

The party was fun though, because of all the smells. Hot dogs.. steaks.. burgers... mmm.. I wish I could have had a taste.

Now we're back in San Francisco.. with the nice cool weather. Not a fan of the wind, but at least it's not scorching hot!

Wow.. long time no bark

May 21st 2009 8:58 am

It's been awhile since my last blog. Since then, my parents went on vacation so I had a bunch of aunts and uncles taking care of me. It was really fun, but I missed Mom and Dad a lot. They did send me a rawhide card that said they missed me too.. and it was quite tasty. :)

While they were gone, my aunts and uncles took me on fun walks. Auntie Sara and Uncle Aaron took me to the Marina and I had fun looking at the sea lions! I also did some tricks for some strangers.. free of charge of course :D

Now Mom and Dad are back and I'm adjusting to their schedule again. It's nice that they're back.. they know what I like and know what I need. I just wish Dad didn't have to go work.. luckily Mom is still unemployed, though she doesn't like it.

This weekend is a three day weekend.. I think they're going to be lazy, which is always good for me cause that means more sleeping time and some long neighborhood walks.

Writers Block

July 21st 2009 10:21 pm

I haven't had much to say these days, mainly because I've been twittering instead. It's just easier and I can't seem to always get to a computer these days.

Mom has started a new job and Dad is still at his old job. So most of the day I'm home alone, but Aunt Sara visits me everyday for a walk and to play, which is fun. :) Sometimes we go on special trips. :)

Last Saturday we went to her Junior Giants game, since Mom and Dad were helping her coach. It was fun, but very tiring. I brought luck to all the little kids. Dad told them to pet me for luck to get hits.. and it worked! By the end of the game, I got a LOT of love and hugs. I was pooped at night that I didn't even want to get up to get my treats. Yeah.. it was that bad.

Mom is planning a BBQ for Saturday.. so that should be fun. Lots more love.. lots more meeting other dogs.. and maybe I'll get a scrap (as long as no one catches me)

Chicken bones

August 21st 2009 5:42 pm

I was bad. I admit it.

Mom left her dinner on the living room table.. it was fried chicken and it smelled soooo good. Mmm..

She left to go downstairs and I was all alone with the chicken. I couldn't resist! So I ate it.. all. I tried to leave her a piece but I couldn't help myself! Mmm.. the corn was tasty too. Not a big fan of mashed potatoes, so I left that for her.

She was pretty angry when she came back upstairs. She said that I could have choked, but I didn't. She did say I'd have to go to the vet.. which is not cool. I brought it on myself, but so worth it.

Anyways, after the vet appointment and three weeks later, I'm all good. All fine. Whew. Awesome diet btw.. with the boiled chicken and bread.

Rainy days....

October 13th 2009 10:22 am

It's storming now in San Francisco...

I hate rain.. and wind.. and how I have to stay indoors for the most part. Plus walking in the rain isn't fun either. Neither is pooping in the rain. I should really learn to use the toilet.

*sigh* I hope this storm goes away soon.

Almost one year...

January 11th 2010 9:14 pm
I can't believe I've been with my family for already a year! Wow! Time went fast! I absolutely love them and am really lucky to be with them.

Lets see... so Christmas passed and my family likes to open presents at midnight, unfortunately I can't stay up that late. I pretty much passed out in the middle of the floor and didn't hear a bit of the present opening. I ended opening up my presents during the morning.

One of the BEST presents I got, was the biggest bone EVER from Aunt Sara and Uncle Aaron. Man.. it's so yummy. I'll probably be working on it for awhile. I'm actually going to work on it after this post. I can't stop thinking about it. Mmm...

Um.. where was I? Oh forget it.. I'm going to eat my bone.

Not feeling so well.. .

March 28th 2010 8:47 pm

Hi friends..

The past two months have been rough for me. I've been pretty sick with chylothorax since mid Feb, though my parents are unsure for how long this has been going on. It's basically hard for me to breathe because there's fluid that is seeping into my lungs. :( I've gotten the fluid drained now, three times and it looks like I'll be going into surgery sometime this week.

The surgery only has a 50% chance of working, so please pray for me. My mom and dad are really distraught over this whole situation. They have told me that they want to keep me comfortable and they are doing a great job. I can feel how scared they are. I'm scared. I want to stay with them longer since it's only been a year that I've been with my adoptive parents. They've showed me so much love and care.

I'm going to fight this.. the best that I can. But please send me all your positive vibes.